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  • Past AVF Projects

    …Jewish educators will teach 20 experimental courses and workshops. After the 20 session period is finished, Ellenson and the educators will write a joint piece for publication about what they…

  • The Bronfman Fellowship Announces Its 37th Cohort

    …schools in historically disadvantaged communities; a published author whose historical research has been featured in publications such as Scholastic’s Best Teen Writing; the founder and cohost of a podcast focused

  • The Bronfman Fellowship Announces Its 36th Cohort

    …this prompted her to join service-based fellowships across the greater Boston area: Hebrew College, which provided her with engaging work centered around her goals for change; The Dignity Project, which…

  • A Musical Creation by the 2022 Fellows

      In the summer of 2022, Bronfman Fellows were asked to write lyrics about a concern or challenge shared by young people. They chose to focus on experiences such as…