Thank you for helping us spread the word about Campus Commons, a free program for Jewish college students!

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Flyer: See image below,
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Sample Text for Social Media posts:

Jewish college students: are you frustrated by polarization and division on your campus? Apply now for our free program, Campus Commons: Building Bridges with Jewish Wisdom. You’ll learn to foster meaningful dialogue and build relationships between diverse groups of people, on campus and beyond. Deadline is Oct. 21; admission is rolling. Learn more and apply at

Sample Text for Newsletter or Email:

Applications Are Open for Campus Commons!

Campus Commons: Building Bridges with Jewish Wisdom, is a new, free program for Jewish college students, presented by The Bronfman Fellowship. At a time when college campuses are dangerously polarized, students can learn to use Jewish wisdom to foster meaningful dialogue and build relationships between diverse groups of people, on their campuses and beyond. Bridge Builders will explore the latest research in social psychology, communication, and conflict management — as well as core Jewish ideas and texts related to pluralism — to learn real-world skills in bringing people together. Deadline is Oct. 21; admission is rolling. Learn more and apply at