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  • Bronfmanim Listserv Statement of Values, Introduction of the Groundskeeper Committee, and Rules

    …when a thread should be ended or moderated (and/or migrated to a virtual face-to-face discussion), or if the full Listserv should be temporarily suspended—but our hope is that with values…

  • Our Founder

    …that guided that chapter of his life and applied them in new ways. In 1987, Edgar founded The Bronfman Fellowship, a network of young Jews from Israel and North America that…

  • The Bronfman Fellowship Launches a Silent Auction in Honor of Its 36th Anniversary

    …silent auction with these and other one-of-a-kind experiences, offered by twenty-five of its esteemed alumni, in honor of the Fellowship’s 36 (double chai) years of transformative Jewish education. All proceeds…

  • Alumni Venture Fund

    …of re-distributing that funding to alumni-led projects. As of 2023, the AVF has distributed approximately $358,000 in grants and has provided valuable peer support to impactful projects led by close…

  • Consulting Services: Building Pluralism

    …pluralism. (Read more about our pluralism here.) We offer a wide range of highly customizable and personalized services, including:  Developing activities that allow people to meaningfully share different opinions. Leading a…

  • Our Pluralism

    The Bronfman Fellowship’s Concept of Pluralism In 1987, Edgar M. Bronfman z”l laid the foundation for The Bronfman Fellowship’s unique, multi-faceted concept of pluralism. Since then, the Fellowship has impacted

  • Alumni Mentoring Program

    …16, 2024 Orientation: March 10, 12:30pm EST Commitment: Monthly calls/ meetings from February 2024-June 2024 Applications:  Mentee Application (2021 cohort or older). Mentees will be carefully paired with mentors based

  • Alumni Connectors Project

    …of Jewish education and has served many organizations in many capacities since. Pedagogically, Caleb’s eclectic and learner-centered teaching philosophy centers a rigorous, reflective, reverent, and revolutionary approach to Jewish material….

  • For Parents & Educators

    …form. Thank you for exploring The Bronfman Fellowship website and considering this opportunity for outstanding young people. Since our founding in 1987, our program has offered promising teens an unparalleled

  • Apply Now

    …United States, usually in the Northeast. Fellows continue their association with the Fellowship through our extraordinarily active, 1400+ alumni community.  Eligibility and Important Dates High school students in the 11th grade…