Adina Allen

Posted on December 4, 2020

Rabbi Adina Allen is co-founder and Creative Director of Jewish Studio Project (JSP), a nationally recognized Jewish learning organization that brings together practices from the beit midrash (house of Jewish study) with a powerful approach from the field of art therapy. Integrating a lifetime of experience in the expressive arts with her rabbinic training, Adina created JSP’s unique learning methodology as a practice for expanding empathy and resilience, supporting the work of dismantling oppression, and drawing forth from our sacred texts new and vital narratives, insights and images. She has taught at hundreds of Jewish institutions around the country and has helped thousands of Jewish educators, clergy, teens, young adults, professionals and lay leaders reclaim their creativity as a powerful, relevant, and transformative tool. A spiritual leader, writer, and educator, Adina was ordained in Hebrew College’s pluralistic training program in 2014 where she was a Wexner Graduate Fellow. A recipient of the Covenant Foundation’s 2018 Pomegranate Prize for emerging Jewish Educators, Adina is an alumna of the Open Dor Project for spiritual Jewish entrepreneurs and the Upstart fellowship for social innovators.