Noam Lockshin

Posted on July 2, 2020

Noam Lockshin (Bronfman ’01) is a partner at Kimmeridge, an investment firm in New York focused on the energy sector. He previously worked as Senior Research Associate at Sanford C. Bernstein on the #1-ranked E&P research team.  Noam is a native of Toronto and earned a BA in math from Canada’s York University. Before that, he also studied for two years at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel. Noam currently serves on the Board of Advisors for Hillel International’s Office of Innovation. He also organizes shabbat services for tots at his shul on the Upper West Side, the neighborhood where he lives with his wife and three daughters. Bronfman has been a big part of his life since he was a fellow in 2001.