Supporting The Bronfman Fellowship

Supporting The Bronfman Fellowship

Payment Options

  • The Bronfman Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN #14-1836083).
  • Gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Many employers will match donations to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations; please check with your employer. (If you are Canadian, contact to learn how to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Fellowship.)
  • We welcome recurring gifts; they provide reliable support for the Bronfman Fellowship and help lower administrative costs, which means more of your contribution goes into the programming and engagement you value.
  • To make a payment by credit card, Venmo, or PayPal, click here
  • To make a payment by check, please make it out to Bronfman Youth Fellowships, Inc. and mail to: The Bronfman Fellowship; 420 Lexington Ave., Suite 331; New York, NY 10170.
  • For other ways of giving (e.g. wire transfer, stock options, planned giving, etc.), please contact



“You’ll make some of the best friends that you could imagine… It’s this unimaginably incredible combination of intense intellectual learning, real camaraderie, and emotional investment.”
– 2020 Fellow

“This is the community that I’ve consistently come back to, in every phase of my life since age 16, for learning, challenging conversation, inspiration, and nourishment.”
– 1990 Fellow

A gift to The Bronfman Fellowship is an investment in the Jewish future. Your donation supports the next generation of Jewish leaders, preparing them to have a significant impact on Jewish life and the world as community builders, deep thinkers, moral voices, and cultural creators. Read more about our mission and vision.

For the past 36 years, The Bronfman Fellowship has nurtured generations of young people to see the world through a lens broader than their own and to value Jewish learning as an instrument for discovery, creativity, and change. We amplify the impact Fellows have on Jewish life and on broader society through Jewish intellectual programming, intergenerational mentorship, and vibrant discourse in a pluralistic community. The Bronfman Fellowship has become a model for lifelong engagement, as Bronfman alumni continue to exchange ideas and inspire one another to contribute their talents, vision, and creativity to the world. 

If you give $1,800 or more, you will become a member of the Chevruta Society, helping to inspire and galvanize our community of donors. Learn more about the Chevruta Society.

Contributions from donors like you touch every part of The Bronfman Fellowship, including:

A graphic showing stats about The Bronfman Fellowship.

We need your support! Make a gift today at