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  • The Bronfman Fellowship Announces Its 36th Application Season

    …have built a pluralistic community through a transformative, intellectual and deeply personal journey in which they have the opportunity to see the world through a lens broader than their own….

  • Supporting The Bronfman Fellowship

    …York, NY 10170. For other ways of giving (e.g. wire transfer, stock options, planned giving, etc.), please contact office@bronfman.org.   We need your support! Make a gift today at www.bronfman.org/support….

  • The Bronfman Fellowship Announces Its 37th Cohort

    …by the new cohort. “The energy, diversity and intellectual firepower of this group speak to my father’s belief that young people can change the world in ways that previous generations…

  • The Bronfman Fellowship Announces Its 38th Cohort

    …study of Jewish texts, traditions, history and culture as a way for Fellows to expand their perspectives and engage with one another and the world. The Fellows will study with…

  • The Bronfman Fellowship Announces Its 37th Application Season

    …variety of backgrounds must be engaged in open and creative discourse with one another. The alumni embody Mr. Bronfman’s vision that young people who are enriched and energized by their…