Dan Libenson

Posted on February 3, 2022

Dan Libenson is President of Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah, which is dedicated to helping Jews and fellow travelers apply Jewish wisdom to thrive and shape a better world. He is also the co-host of the Judaism Unbound podcast, one of the most popular podcasts in the Judaism category, with nearly 500 episodes and 2 million downloads, as well as co-host of The Oral Talmud, a streaming video show soon to be released in podcast form. Dan is the founder of the Judaism Unbound organization, where he now serves as Senior Fellow and as a member of the board of directors. Dan teaches classes on Judaism and Jewish wisdom at Judaism Unbound’s UnYeshiva, a digitally driven center for Jewish learning and unlearning, and at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s Zelikow School of Nonprofit Management. He has served as a faculty member for the Bronfman Fellowship, as well as for the Wexner Heritage program, the Foundation for Jewish Camp’s Cornerstone program, and other programs. Dan spent over a decade working with Jewish students on campus, including six years as executive director of the University of Chicago Hillel and three years as Director of New Initiatives at Harvard Hillel, work for which he received numerous awards, including Hillel’s Exemplar of Excellence Award and an AVI CHAI Fellowship. Earlier in his career, Dan taught law at the University of St. Thomas School of Law. He is the translator of The Orchard, a novel about the early days of Rabbinic Judaism, by renowned Israeli novelist Yochi Brandes, and he served as translation editor of The Secret Book of Kings, a novel by the same author that tells the story of the early kings of Israel from the perspective of Biblical women and of the Northern Kingdom. Dan is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School.