

The Bronfman Fellowship is a lifelong fellowship; our community of Fellows is continually strengthened by the diversity of paths in which our alumni engage – professionally, religiously, and geographically. In addition to the North American Fellows scattered around the world, our Israeli Fellows, Amitei Bronfman, anchor our presence in Israel. Over the past 36 years our alumni community has become a model for lifelong engagement, as Bronfman alumni continue to exchange ideas and inspire one another to contribute their talents, vision, and creativity to the Jewish community and the world. Our unique approach to alumni engagement was featured by the Schusterman Foundation.

Help and be helped, give and receive, inspire and be inspired. Harness the power of this extraordinary network of 1400+ Bronfmanim across North America and Israel.

Below are the many ways you can make this your Bronfman!

Interested in something not listed here?  Contact

Build Community

  • Become a Bronfman Event Host – Whether you want to focus on the city/region you live in, your fellowship cohort, or some other affinity group, you can become a host for events and other community building. Email to get more information about becoming a host.
  • Be a Mentor/ Get a Mentor – A program for older and younger alumni to be paired up for mentoring and guidance. For more information, contact
    • Our seventh round of the mentorship program has begun. Read more here.
  • Have a Discussion About PluralismLearn more about the “Where Pluralism Thrives” discussion series
  • Join the Bronfman Caring Community – Bronfmanim looking for advice about common life issues (e.g. jobs, relationships, illness, etc.) can be connected to alumni offering to give advice. All requests are confidential. To request advice or sign up as a resource, contact

Be a Lifelong Learner

Invest in Bronfman

  • Make a Donation – The Bronfman Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and relies on the financial support of people like you to build a more vibrant and pluralistic future. Visit our donation page to make your donation today.

Spark Innovation

  • Submit an AVF application – The Alumni Venture Fund (AVF) supports projects and programs led by Bronfman alumni working to make an impact in their communities.
  • Review AVF applications – Help select the projects that receive AVF grants. Email to get involved.
  • Advise an AVF grantee – Share professional, financial, or other advice with AVF grantees. Email to offer your services.

Get Connected

  • Join the Bronfmanim Facebook group – A closed Facebook group for Bronfman alumni to share news, ask questions, etc. Visit and join the Bronfmanim FB group.
  • Share jobs & housing info – Have a job or internship opportunity to share with the Bronfman community? Email Want to list a place for rent or to submit a housing-related request? Email
  • Join the parenting listserv – An online forum for Bronfman alumni who are parents. Contact to join.
  • Join the LGBTQ+ listserv – An online forum for Bronfman alumni in the LGBTQ+ community. Contact Syd and Stephanie at to join.
  • Join the JOC Affinity Group – Led by Jess Radin (‘93), this is a group for Bronfmanim who identify as Jews of Color. Contact to join.
  • Join the Start-Up/ Tech Affinity Group – A group for Bronfmanim involved in start-ups and tech. Click here to join on WhatsApp.
  • Join the Climate Community – Email Erica.
  • Follow The Bronfman Fellowship on social media – Click below to view our pages:
  • Buy Bronfman swag at our new online store – Get your Bronfman T-shirts, mugs, sweatshirts, and more!

Find Future Bronfmanim

  • Tell us about potential applicants – Do you know a Jewish 10th- or 11th-grader who would be great for the Fellowship? Nominate them here (and tell them about the Fellowship!).
  • Promote Bronfman in your community – Give a talk about the Fellowship at your local synagogue, school, organization, etc. Contact for a press kit you can distribute to potential applicants and others in your community.
  • Volunteer to read applications – Every year, we need alumni to read applications and help us choose the next cohort of Bronfmanim. Contact for information on how to help.